Saturday 20 January 2007
Similar continue browsing.
In the morning I was browsing looking more for web tools to use rather any business development. In the afternoon, I took a break considering it a weekend.
Later in the evening, planning to write. One new posting, titled Kelantan delicacies in the section Simple Pleasures. Another new posting in the section Internet & Computers, titled typosquatting .
Friday 19 January 2007
Did not put any emphasis on putting up new posts or improving the blogs like face lifting. Only trying some things new to me both at the level of personal knowledge development and business development.
For that I was browsing. I do not like to use the term surfing. Surfing gives a connotation one has nothing better to do so just go anywhere the PC brings you akin to “lepak” and wasting time. Browsing on the other hand brings the meaning of looking for something wanted, just like window shopping.
However the PC now is at an advance stage where, technological development has allowed it, to pick up words from screen and brings more of the same. So that is a compensation for parents who are worried about their kids going astray on the PC. The necessary and sober thing to do is to put on the required blocks and firewalls to prevent accessibility to certain site which is not to be solicited by your kids. So that save the day. But the way do read about typosquatting, that will be posted tomorrow .
One posting is placed in the money & travel blog, titled ”last chance to see”, which about preparing a corpse before being placed to perpetual rest in peace, according to the Malay custom in
Manage to place one blog into a search engine. Do some readings about a successful internet marketer and some business development.
First time participate in an internet conference with probably some twenty others.
Have not translated into English the first article on managing e-mails in "Kelantan dilect" under Computers and Internet, that’s was done on purpose to serve some interest of mine . The next posting in Parenting will be the comparative expenditure on my children going to school as a continuation of the previous post as I had earlier promised.
Wednesday 17 January 2007
Complete and launch the first page of my website. Got a call from an Engineer in
Place a new post , The Last chance to see under Comfort Zones.
Tuesday 16 January 2007
Since I mentioned about Yahoo 360 degrees, I should give the readers my Yahoo ID. That is, abd_manan muhamad.
Update Gold WanSom and placed two public issues on other blogs. Insert ads at various blogs.
Just before 2.00pm left Machang for Kota Bharu (KB) . The timing was not right and had to wait a long time for “kereta sewa”. Literally, it means hired cars. Here a passenger do not get one car for himself, unlike taxis in
I went to KB to meet up with a dear friend, a childhood friend of mine. After spending sometime in his office, we left on his chauffeur driven car to KB Mall, where we did our prayers and had some makan (meals). We walk together shopping for some tit-bits and window shopping computers and accessories. As earlier planed I bought an irDA adapter. It was quite a memorable day.
Monday 15 January 2007
Go through some old business contacts trying to do develop further businesses with them. Not very productive from my point of view.
Went back to Yahoo 360 degree.Yahoo’s regular contact via their consumer’s satisfaction survey arm FIRM drew some interest in me regarding Yahoo.
Updated Yahoo 360 degree, including, to include all my blogs into their blog roll.
Sunday 14 January 2007
Placed a translation box into 2 blogs. The box will enable translation into 6 different languages.
Devote my time to reorganize the 3 new blogs dedicated for e-marketing. To include ads recently approved and to do some face lift.
In the evening, I was struggling with creating the web-site. Put a post inside the forum egroup. I think the site I am dealing with, is down. It is still I beta mode for information.
Like to try this...
Saturday 13 January 2007
In the morning I was attending to the e-mails. Praise be to the Great One, things on this aspects are developing petty well. The forum helps me a lot to smoothen things. Only the time taken limit my delivery otherwise I had no complains.
In the afternoon make one posting in the Parenting section titled “making kids love school” and updating this bloggers log.
At about four pm, I am going to my kampong to do the routine rituals after death or burial. This rituals is done for three or more consecutive nights after burial. The norm is seven. As of, I left yesterday no decision was made yet, on the numbers of days my uncles and cousins there was thinking of doing it.
Friday 12 January 2007
Still working on the blogs, but I have to place them on hold for I received news that my untie in my kampong pass away at 2.20pm. I was back in my kampong (village) most of the day-light to witness that last rites in respect of my untie. It came in reverse order. The youngest untie left for good last year now the middle untie. The eldest is living in a different part of the kampong.
In the evening I attended to the business development, through e-mails.
Thursday 11 January 2007
Dedicated my day for making three new blogs. These three blogs are dedicated for e-marketing. The reasons being there are comments I received is that the reviewers are bit loss when reading my blogs because of the banners. So I am thinking of relocating a lot of ads into these new blogs. There are several more that I have to came up with to fully categories the items up for sales. I have to reorganized the whole thing. Nonetheless the blogs are already published.
Clixgalore Affiliate Program
Wednesday 10 January 2007
I went back to my kampong today. My untie is seriously weak and unwell. She had been weakened due to old age. Now surviving on drips, it seems Cousins brought up the issue that we should take care of the “crap” of the family very well. They will be the one that will be helping us out in when we are old. They observed this occurrences in the kampongs (village), too frequent. The successful ones would rushed home when they hear that their parents are seriously ill then rush back to work again. It happened at the same time, they were all be home on the same days. All will be home, all will be gone, together. Some appears to be well to do but the financial assistance they can offer is not as expected. The “crap” left behind, in the kampong, will do his level best with whatever meager resource available to take care of their parents and the visitors that poured in.
I had a blessing of meeting an elderly relative who could cite the numbers and names of my grandfather's brothers and sisters and who were their offspring, now living in the kampong. Today I am touched firstly, by a lady, my primary school mate, who sold breakfast stuff, I had ‘nasi dagang’ (special rice prepared in a special way) in the wet market from her, she just refused to take my money and every time I buy from her I will get twice the amount I paid her for. Another, a relative of mine a “private sapu driver” (unlicensed taxi), he took me with only another passenger back to my kampong then refused to take any cash from me. These petty traders, here, are really very easy in their dealings, you buy something at 10 a ringgit, do not ask anything just pay for it when you get back you will end up seeing 12 pieces, that is 20% extra! So different from Pasar Keramat or Chow Kit where you will have to count it is 10 not 9 or 8, simultaneously with the vendor.
I received some good education from the younger guys today. Today is also the first time I spent teleconferencing with 2 other worthy friends. This few days off with what I am focused doing, gives me some insight how to proceed. Thanks too, to the members of the forums who had opened my eyes, they had visited my blogs and made their comments and I too had visited their blogs. I am of the opinion that I have to change a bit.
Tuesday 9 January 2007
The first time I have to learn to handle achieves. Still deviates, seems to focus some energy on the Alumni. God is Gracious, it appears that I am able to fit in. What I am doing for myself have relevance with the social undertaking I have with and for the Alumni.
I am also thankful for the junior that proposes me to take up blogging, it is much more flexible and dynamic as compared to the website. My thanks is due to the younger guys who are into these blogging thing, quite a eye opener for me.
I had spent quite a lot of time to come up with a dynamic template for the website but still find it way behind those of blogs – in context of flexibility.
Monday 8 January 2007
My Missus went to Kota Bharu ,taking with her our daughter to see her eye surgeon. I went to Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara to collect my son’s National Registered Identity Card, then I was home generally on my PC while toddler sitting my five year old daughter, the youngest. She is the only one home, the rest went to school.
I got carried away and focusing mainly on my Alumni e-group.
Sunday 7 January 2007
Most of the time was spent on my alumni e-group. Did one posting on the
Saturday 6 January 2007
Did two postings into the blogs. Any latest postings will be undated in PERWI HOME.
I must do something to reduce the number of e-mails coming to my mail box. I think I got the gist of what is being forwarded. Internet marketing? It is said that only 1% is genuine, 76% or so are scams and the rest in between.
Friday 5 January 2007
Thursday 4 January 2007
Through out the whole exercise. In mid December, I felt that I need to do two things, one is to have an organizer base on an easily updated software. I am caught with the Lotus Organizer, when my Hard disk crashes recently. The other is an e-mail address that will have it own mailbox. Today I got the second one, God Gracious, and a system of my liking. I can just leave all the mails and those coming mails on what I am doing with that mailbox. As for my e-group I will just migrate to the new address and mail box. On the first one, the organizer, I have not done anything as yet!
Wednesday 3 January 2007
Officially I join the html coding e-group, put up a thank note and what I did that is not quite conventional and slightly off from instructions but have been amicably accepted by parties concerned. I will be reading a lot of past postings. I join this group less for theoretical ability but will be more for an applied approached.
Sold rubber produced for the last 2 months, it has been raining and the lowest price of rubber for the period was RM2.25 and fluctuates within a band of 20 sen. At that price a kilo of rubber, can get me, just for myself, a breakfast of roti baker (local style toast, rubbed with margarine and sprinkled with white sugar granules), two half boil eggs and a cup of Kopi (local coffee) from Aik Mui restaurant in Machang, my favorite hide out to smoke cigarettes during my upper secondary school days.
Focus in generally still on the business development aspects. for this whole week, I believe. I am quite saddened by the reasons given in some of the objections I had received.
Tuesday 2 January 2007
First day of school. I send my kids to the local primary school. Sekolah Rendah Hamzah 2. I have 4 kids there. One just started this year, one in year three, one in year four. The oldest there is in year six, a boy, seen as a critical year here in
I went to that school other then to see my year four kid’s teacher to witness some changes how the head of the new regime there handles things.
I could not make time to see my Secondary School boys off. They left this morning to study in a Boarding School in West Coast, where their academic year begins tomorrow.
1 January 2007
I was communicating with a guy from Machang, now earning his living in New York City. Probably I will include something about local breakfast dishes, our friend there seems to miss them.